Saturday, August 1, 2009

Health Care Reform

If this bill passes you will no longer have the ability to decide who your doctor is nor can you decide what health care you want. The government will have full control over your well being. They will decide who lives and who dies. Is that what you want?

Americans have to stand up and say NO. The government has too much control already. They control banking,the automotive industry and now they want to be GOD over you and your children. They will force immunizations on you that they have not even tested and you won't have the option to say no because if you do then they will deny you health care. They will increase taxes to pay for all this health care how else can they pay for it? When you reach 65 or older an are in bad health they will just deny you access to the doctors you need. That way they control who can get social security benefits because you will most likely die while they decide what to do. What better way to make sure they never give you the benefits you worked for and paid into for years.

I believe the government is spending all these billions in order to bankrupt America so they can establish a global government. The President has said we have over spent and lived off of money we don't have to get our economy to this point. Then he turns around and spends billions. How is that the answer? If our over spending is indeed what got us here then what effects will there be to his printing more money and putting that into circulation going to have?? I am not an economist nor am I even a college graduate but I do think that throwing good money after bad is no answer and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.


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