Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer Summit

We have gone so low that the President can make comments about our police officers without even reviewing the facts. The he invites the individuals to the white house for a beer!! I suppose the job losses and the economy can take a back seat to sitting around having a photo op of four men having a beer.

Do you think it was coincidence that there were two white and two black men at the table? Hmmmmmmm no that isn't obvious. Americans are too stupid to figure that one out.

I don't know why Obama couldn't have just said that he spoke in error and apologize and then drop the whole thing. Maybe that is too easy. Or let's see maybe it was a distraction for the American people so they don't focus on the Health Care Reform he is trying to pass. No that couldn't be it. I mean having a beer is really important to the American people. What's next a white house BBQ?? Maybe he will spend a bunch of our tax dollars and take his family for a cruise or fly to New York for an opera or something like that.

Job Losses, rising unemployment that isn't important right now we must focus on getting people together for a beer.

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