Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wake UP!!

We are losing the freedoms so many of our forefathers died for and the majority of the American Citizens don't seem to care. What happens when we can no longer work where we wish but are told where to work? What happens when you can no longer own a home or property? Will you care then? When they pass the new health care reform and you wait months to see a doctor? Will you care then? What about watching a friend or family member die because the government says they don't need to be treated? Will you wish you had listened to people like me?

We don't need more government control!! America is a great country!! Some of you will read this and say I am a radical maybe consider me a kook. What I am is an American that loves my country and wants to keep it free for my future generations and yours. I am in my 40's and have watched the government take our rights away one by one. They impose taxes upon our citizens that are unfair and everyone just sits by and lets it happen because they are too busy to pay attention to what our government is doing. I am also guilty of this as well. I never understood politics and never wanted anything to do with it. One day I woke up. I thank God for that!!! No I am not a religious nut either. But I am a believer in Christ.

If you love your country stop believing all the political BS and start looking at the issues. Listen to people like Glenn Beck
, and Rolleye James . Then research what they say. Don't take anyone at their word. Check it out for yourself and then start writing your local officials telling them how you feel on the issues.That is the only way we can get our country back.

What I think we need to bring back morality to the people is to bring God back into our lives and our schools.
Stop paying for all the illegal immigrants that just drain our country financially. Put people into office that will prosecute any illegal activity including illegal immigration.We need strong people in government who will stand up for the laws that we have and stop allowing murderers,rapists and pedophiles to go free.

This isn't a race issue it is an American issue. If we want to keep this country as we the people we must all come together regardless of race, sexuality or any other nonsense that is tearing this country apart. We must speak up when our rights are being taken away!!! Speak up now before we no longer have a country to fight for!!!

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