Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Think about this

Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (Swine Flu Vaccination Alert)

An unprecedented assault on the constitutional rights of the American people - Phyllis Schlafly

The MSEHPA (Model State Emergency Health Powers Act) which was passed by many states in 2002, included provisions that would allow state health officials to use the state militia to:

Take control of all roads leading into and out of cities and states;

Seize homes, cars, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of personal property);

Arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate citizens without consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury).



What is wrong with MSEHPA?

Although extraordinary measures may be required during an emergency, the Model Act is replete with civil liberties problems. Its three top flaws are that:

It fails to include basic checks and balances. The Act would grant extraordinary emergency powers, but that kind of authority should never go unchecked. Public health authorities make mistakes, and politicians abuse their powers; there is a history of discriminatory use of the quarantine power against particular groups of people based on race and national origin, for example. The lack of checks and balances could have serious consequences for individuals' freedom, privacy, and equality. The Act lets a governor declare a state of emergency unilaterally and without judicial oversight, fails to provide modern due process procedures for quarantine and other emergency powers, it lacks adequate compensation for seizure of assets, and contains no checks on the power to order forced treatment and vaccination.

It goes well beyond bioterrorism. The act includes an overbroad definition of "public health emergency" that sweeps in HIV, AIDS, and other diseases that clearly do not justify quarantine, forced treatment, or any of the other broad emergency authorities that would be granted under the Act.

It lacks privacy protections. The Act requires the disclosure of massive amounts of personally identifiable health information to public health authorities, without requiring basic privacy protections and fair information practices that could easily be added to the bill without detracting from its effectiveness in quelling an outbreak. And the Model Act would undercut existing protections for sensitive medical information. That not only threatens to violate individuals' medical privacy but undermines public trust in government activities.






On July 13, a World Health Organization (WHO) Global Alert headlined, "WHO recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccinations" suggest that universally mandated ones are coming. It stated that on July 7, the pharmaceutical industry-dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held an "extraordinary meeting in Geneva to discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009."

Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination Alert


Quarantine Laws being Updated

In 1900, San Francisco officials randomly quarantined 15,000 people in Chinatown, saying they suspected an outbreak of bubonic plague. A California court ended the quarantine, saying it was discriminatory and based on false information.



Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland

Bioweapons Lawsuit: "In criminal charges filed against Baxter on April 8th, 2009 at the Vienna City Prosecutor’s office, Landesgerichtstr 11, 1080 Vienna, Austria by Jane Burgermeister, a resident of Vienna, Austria, it was alleged that Baxter unlawfully, wilfully and knowingly, in the period between December 2008 and February 2009, employed manipulative and deceptive devices and contrivances in violation of national and international laws on the manufacturing, possession, release and dissemination of biological weapons of mass destruction and on organised crime, to manufacture and distribute a biological agent that is classified as a bioweapon among the population in order to profit from the pandemic."

Baxter's Many Lethal "Accidents"

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