Sunday, August 2, 2009


With each day that passes I grow more and more concerned for our country and our people. Unemployment is rising. More companies are closing or filing bankruptcy. They say were are in a recession funny because it is looking more and more like a depression to me. I fear an all out collapse of our economy. If anyone is reading my posts start preparing now for the economic collapse. Stock up on food, water and other supplies. If I am wrong then you will just have extra, if I am right then you will have something to fall back on when no one else can find those things. I rarely sleep much anymore because my spirit is uneasy. I feel something major coming and coming soon. I just can't seem to put my finger on just what it is.

Do some some research on FEMA camps and on the trucking industry. The government has set up camps similar to concentration camps in many states throughout the U.S. Who do you think they are going to put in those camps? Many police officers are stopping people that have Ron Paul for President stickers on their cars because they have been declared terrorists by our government. When has there ever been a time when you couldn't support a politician openly?

Trucking companies have stopped hiring new drivers. Schneider National has put a hold on their new driver hiring. They were one of the largest companies to train and hire new drivers. That should tell you something. What happens when the trucks stop delivering goods to the stores? Where will you get food then? The city of Birmingham is bankrupt and laying off many city employees. I am sure there are many more that I don't know about. People wake up!! There isn't much more time to prepare for what is coming. Don't be the one that has to scrounge for food and supplies for your families.

Take a good look around you see how many companies are closing. The unemployment rate is much higher than what the government and the news is reporting. I pray that things will turn around because I don't want to see anyone suffering. My heart is heavy because I know this will get worse. Much worse.

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